wordpress site slowReduce your site abandonment by increasing your site speed. 53% of visitors leave your site if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load.

If your WordPress site is slow, impatient visitors could cost you money because of decreased opportunities to convert them to customers. There are simple things you can do to make sure your WordPress site speed isn’t a factor that is crashing your SEO or turning visitors away from your site.

Continue reading this article to learn how to speed up your WordPress site for better rankings.

If Your WordPress Site is Slow – It’s Hurting Your Rankings

Since Google knows people turn away from websites if they don’t load within 3 seconds, they have updated their algorithm with this fact in mind. Use these site speed tips below to optimize your site.

Responsive and Light Site Design

Your website design has to be responsive to keep up with internet standards. No mobile user should run into your desktop site design.

A responsive site means your website design can determine what device visitors are using. When the design understands what device your visitors are using it can respond and serve a version of your site that best fits the device.

Not only does a responsive design give your users the best experience possible but it also keeps your visitors from loading sites that are unnecessarily large.

Minimize Plugins

While WordPress plugins are helpful with many things, if you use too many, you will slow your site down. Go through your plugin list and see which ones you can do without. Deactivate and delete the ones that aren’t necessary.

Browser Cache

Browser caching your site will allow users to display your site faster. Whenever you update your website, make sure to clear the cache so the latest version of your website appears to visitors.

Optimizing Images

Images can take up a lot of space and depending on their size they can take a while to serve to visitors. When you optimize images, you are able to serve users quicker because of the reduced load on your server.

Content Delivery Network

Unless you are a local business that only gets traffic from one place, a content delivery network (CDN) can be what you need to speed up your site. CDNs deliver your website from the most local place in relation to your website visitors. Choosing a CDN that has plenty of delivery points around the world is important when you want to increase your site’s speed.

Implementing Changes

Implementing changes can be the most time-consuming part of speeding up your WordPress site. If you find yourself pressed for time, you might consider outsourcing these tasks to a team of professionals that can save you time and work hours.

Your WordPress Site Could Be Generating More Money

If you don’t have time to focus on design and SEO but your WordPress site is slow, we can help. Contact us today to find out how our services can help you create a quick site that Google loves.
